By Mark Brown, Co-Executive Director (

NOTE: Please share this with applicable executives and PLs.

The Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) has observed that the information collected regarding the vaccination status of members varies from zone to zone. Some zones are collecting detailed information and others less detailed information.

The ITAC recommends that divisions and zones collect the least amount of information possible, or required to meet public health guidelines. The local public health guidelines should be followed or in their absence, the following is the recommended maximum amount of information to be collected:


  1. Does the patroller meet the local vaccination requirements?  YES/NO
  2. Date of verification.
  3. Who verified.
  4. Follow local public health guidelines.


Information should be collected and recorded in-person at CSP events.

It is recommended that zones and divisions avoid the following:

  1. Sending information via email.
  2. Storing information in Dropbox or other cloud-based file systems.

Avoid collecting any information that is not required.

Vaccination Status – What to Collect From Members

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