By Kirstie Simpson, National Nordic Coordinator (

 Yukon Zone Nordic patrollers Tim Sellars and Janelle Greer at the Whitehorse Cross Country Ski (Photo by Mike Fancie)


On patrol manual

The Nordic patrol chapter of the new On-patrol (on-snow) manual has undergone a significant re-write as has the checklist. Look for some new videos demonstrating ski skills. This is a work in progress so expect to see ongoing revisions each year.

Nordic toboggan driving skills

We have received lots of feedback on the need for Nordic toboggan driving skills. This is because many Nordic facilities utilize snowmobiles to transport toboggans to accident scenes. We recognize that toboggan use at a Nordic facility differs significantly from toboggan use at an alpine facility and will be working with Nordic patrols this winter to revise this skill description. For now, a revised version of the toboggan driving (on skis) skills remains on the checklist. We will also be looking for information on how your patrols and Nordic resorts provide the training and certification necessary to drive a snowmobile at the facility. 

Nordic toboggans

A number of patrols are on the hunt for a new Nordic toboggan. Many of us are still using the ones donated to us from the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympic Games – an amazing legacy. I am looking for information from Nordic patrols on what works and what does not when it comes to toboggans, how you utilize them, where you purchased them, etc. I will be setting up a place to provide information and feedback via your Nordic patrol leaders, but for now feel free to send your thoughts on this to Small-file-size photos are also welcome.

Nordic uniforms from Helly Hansen

We are currently structuring a demo program for Nordic uniforms and looking for input from our Nordic patrol membership. National VP Communications and Marketing Kerri Loudoun and I will gather ideas and information via a comprehensive online survey to help identify ideal uniform options. Please keep an eye out for that request in the coming weeks.

This winter, the Nordic uniform demo program will take place in key regions with a select group of Nordic patrollers. And an entire Helly Hansen Nordic uniform product catalogue will be available to all in the fall of 2022 for the 2022-2023 winter patrol season.

Nordic Patrol Update

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