By Craig Taggart, National Recognition Committee Chair (outgoing) (

Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for national recognition. There were 72 nominations made for regular awards, as well as 45 for years-of-service recognition (25 and 50 years), 11 national retirement recognitions, and nine recognitions of members who have passed away.

All results will be released after the annual general meeting is held later in September, at which time a video slideshow of recipients as well as a link to the nominations will go live.

Both Nancy Price-Hutley and Natalie Everitt have completed their terms on the national recognition committee. Each started with a one-year term, reapplied and have now completed their three-year terms. Their input, discussions, and efforts were an asset to the group.

Congratulations to Nancy Price-Hutley who is taking over as chair of the committee. It is an exciting time as we will be introducing a new nomination platform in conjunction with YETI and hope to make some minor tweaks to the program.

The past four years chairing this committee have been a highlight of my patrol career, learning about all the great things happening around the country and with each of the areas, zones and divisions.

As I step away from the role of recognition committee chair, I want to thank some specific people who have made my job that much easier. First and foremost, the committee members over the past four years – it has been a pleasure to work with each of you. The respect, dedication, and enthusiasm that you have had is inspiring.

Thank you to former VP Communications and Marketing Greg McCormick for his trust in me in coordinating the review of the program, and in taking on this role. His help in getting this program going was great and I enjoyed working with you.

Thanks to VP Patrol Operations Tom Carr for his counsel, assistance, and belief in the program. This too made the job easier.

And finally, thanks to you, the patrollers, for submitting nominations and spending the time to recognize your fellow patrollers for all of their efforts. Without you and your nominations, the recognition program would not exist.

2021 National Awards Overview

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