By Marco Romani, National Director and Chairperson ( Dear members, It gives me great pleasure to welcome Glenn Bonsall and Bruce Boynton as new members of the Canadian Ski Patrol National Board of Directors and to congratulate Fred Haight on
Volunteer Opportunity – WordPress/PHP Developer
By Tom Car, VP Operations ( The Operations portfolio is currently seeking two volunteers to fill a new position of WordPress/PHP Developer to assist in future features of the YETI database. A full job description can be found here. All interested applicants should submit a cover letter
Volunteer Opportunity – Non-skiing Events Coordinator

By Tom Carr, VP of Operations ( The Operations portfolio is currently seeking applicants to fill the volunteer position of CSP Non-skiing Events Coordinator. The national CSP Non-skiing Events Coordinator contributes to the operational aspect and supports the divisions and
Volunteer Opportunity – VP Finance
By Jean Rioux, Co-Executive Director ( The Co-Excutive Directors are currently seeking volunteers to fill upcoming positions that are being vacated at the National level. There is a position available, V.P. Finance. You can read the full job description here.
Important Upcoming Meetings – All Members Welcome
Meet the Candidates Meeting Date: September 12, 2021 Time: 20:00-22:00 EDST This meeting will include a Question-and-Answer Session with the Candidates. Click here to join the meeting. Click here for the agenda. Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Canadian Ski Patrol Date: September 18, 2021 Time: 13:00-16:00 EDST Click here to
2022 Mountain Division Ski Improvement Clinic Nears Sell-out
By Geoff Scotton, Ski Improvement Clinic Coordinator, Mountain Division ( Unprecedented demand from across Canada has led to a near sell-out for both weeks of the 2022 CSP Mountain Division Ski Improvement Clinic. Week 2 (February 6 to 11, 2022)
Recruiting and Retention Update
By Brittany MacKinnon, Recruiting and Retention Coordinator ( Registration for the 2021-2022 season is now live. We hope you choose to register this year, and for many more years to come. Retention of CSP members is a top priority, especially
Volunteer Opportunity – Pro-deals & Partnerships

By Kerri Loudoun, VP Communications and Marketing ( The communications and marketing team is looking for multiple active CSP members to assist with the pro-deals and partnerships program. Pro-deals and partnerships are an essential part of the CSP experience. These
Nordic Patrol Update
By Kirstie Simpson, National Nordic Coordinator ( Yukon Zone Nordic patrollers Tim Sellars and Janelle Greer at the Whitehorse Cross Country Ski (Photo by Mike Fancie) On patrol manual The Nordic patrol chapter of the new On-patrol (on-snow) manual
2021 National Awards Overview
By Craig Taggart, National Recognition Committee Chair (outgoing) ( Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for national recognition. There were 72 nominations made for regular awards, as well as 45 for years-of-service recognition (25 and 50 years), 11 national
Patrol Operations Update
By Tom Carr, VP Patrol Operations ( CISM – critical incident stress management Patrolling and helping injured people often gives us a huge emotional lift when we use our skills. This can also be very stressful; more so if there