By Mark Brown and Jean Rioux, Co-Executive Directors (, (


This past season saw many unknowns. The national management team, zones and divisions worked hard to address concerns during this COVID winter. It appears that there is currently a slow restart with all indications we will be back to a (new) normal in the fall.

The division presidents and the vice-president of operations are working to clearly define the divisions’ roles to ensure all zones receive the support needed for success. Once this project is completed it will be shared with the membership.

We worked with the board of directors and the financial oversight committee to create the operating budget for fiscal 2021, which was accepted by the board prior to the end of fiscal 2020. The overview presentation of the financials can be found on the CSP web site.

In March, a patrol leader COVID-19 call was organized to discuss the season and best practices across the country. We tried using a different format (more like a webinar) which had some technical issues, resulting in it being reconvened using the TEAMs format, where attendees can better engage in the conversation. The feedback was that patrol leaders preferred a more formalized meeting with set agenda items. Through discussion at the national management committee it was decided to invite any and all members to the quarterly update meetings.

The training and development group has worked diligently to create the necessary material for ICP (instructor certification program) and requalifications this year. These documents are now available to zone training managers, and everyone should receive more information about that from your respective zone.

The communications and marketing portfolio continues with the communications audit. Kerri Loudoun and her team are working through a 360-degree review including members, our resorts partners, our pro deal partners and the general public through our social media pages. Once the audit report is received, we will summarize and share the results in a future 5/5.

Mark Brown and corporate secretary Stéphane Niles are working on the annual general meeting (AGM) scheduled for September 18, 2021. Information related to the responsibilities of directors, the application process and voting strengths of the zones is all posted on the national website.

This year’s AGM will be simultaneously interpreted in both English and French. Francophone members are encouraged to attend as the meeting will be in French for them, they can ask their questions in French; these will be interpreted and responses will be received in French.

Michele Doherty has retired from the national office and the search for her replacement is underway. We have hired a summer student to help transfer documents into an electronic format, clean up member databases and complete other such administrative functions. She comes to us through the federal government summer student program which will cover the majority of her salary. Michele’s permanent replacement should be in place for our late summer – early fall rush.

Linda Andrews from training and development and Greg McCormick from communication and marketing have completed their tenures as vice-presidents. We thank them for their efforts and wish them continued success in the CSP.

Have a happy and safe summer and we look forward to seeing you in the fall.

From our co-executive directors

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