June 7, 2021


2nd Call for Nominations

Nominations for candidates for election to the board of directors are now open.  The board of directors of the Canadian Ski Patrol is elected under the authority of By-law 1, Section 5.01.  At this time, there are six directors and one vacancy.  There will be three vacancies to fill in the election. Two vacancies are for a three-year term and one vacancy is for a two-year term.  The two candidates receiving the two highest number of votes will be elected to the board for a three-year term (expiring at the annual meeting of members in 2024) and the candidate receiving the third highest number of votes will be elected to the board for a two-year term (expiring at the annual meeting of members in 2023).

The election will be conducted by electronic voting and held during a period ending prior to the annual meeting of members to be held on September 18th, 2021. The election period will open at noon EDT on Monday September 13th, 2021 and close at 12:00 midnight EDT on Friday September 17th, 2021.

Candidates must complete the nomination application form by 12:00 midnight (EDT) June 11th, 2021.  The nomination form is an online application and can be accessed by clicking on this link:

Nomination Form

For the 2021 election, nominated eligible candidates will receive a ‘candidate profile’ to be completed and returned by June 18th, 2021.  The profile asks each candidate to provide a short a biography; a statement of their vision for the future of the Canadian Ski Patrol; and a description of their personal experience and skills that are desirable as a director.  The ‘candidate profiles’ will be distributed to zone presidents and published on the Canadian Ski Patrol website to help members get to know each of the candidates and make an informed voting decision.

A brief description of the duties and responsibilities of directors is available on the on the Canadian Ski Patrol website under the AGM 2021 heading.


2nd Call for Members’ Proposals

The Board of Directors of the Canadian Ski Patrol is calling for members’ proposals regarding (a) changes to articles of incorporation; (b) changes to by-laws; (c) proposals to change regulations; (d) proposals to change policy; and (e) proposals to provide direction to the board of directors or to the management.

Please note the following:

  • A member’s proposal may include a statement from the member in support of the proposal. The statement shall not be more than 500 words in length.
  • The statement must state the nature of the proposal in sufficient detail to allow a member to make a reasoned judgement on the proposal. Proposals will be reviewed for completeness and clarity. A member may be asked to amend a proposal for completeness and clarity.
  • Proposals must include financial implications, if any, including but not limited to expenditures, revenue or budget implications.
  • A proposal may not be in conflict with federal or provincial law.
  • Proposals must be submitted by members entitled to vote at the AGM. Non-voting members wishing to submit a proposal are encouraged to work with their zone president for submission of such proposal.

Members’ proposals will be considered at the 2021 Annual Meeting of Members on September 18th, 2021. The meeting will be conducted by electronic means.

Members’ proposals must be completed and submitted using the following online form by midnight EDT Friday, July 16th, 2021.

Members’ Proposals


Please direct requests for further information to Stéphane Niles, Corporate Secretary (stephane.niles@skipatrol.ca).

2nd Call for Nominations and Members’ Proposals

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