May 2, 2021


Dear zone presidents and division presidents,

Training & Development (T&D) comprises the directors, coordinators and division training managers (DTMs) who have communicated over the last few months regarding the ongoing impact of COVID-19 to develop/revise strategies for the requalification of patrollers in the coming training season.

As stated in prior T&D proposals to the board, COVID-19 is continuing to impact the CSP’s ability to deliver training and requalifying CSP members in AFA, BLS and potentially on snow. Stressors experienced by patrollers have been quite varied across the country.

There continues to be varying numbers of COVID-19 cases in Canada by province/territory. Additionally, there are vaccination variabilities. Once again, T&D is tasked with developing various operational proposals for “return to normalcy”. All options will be governed by any ongoing physical distancing restrictions, wearing of PPE as necessary as determined by local health authorities, and the availability of vaccines and the rate of patrollers choosing to get vaccinated.

Background (2020-21 season):

Patroller qualifications were extended for one year without evaluations, with the following expectations of patrollers:

  • View first aid training videos for practicing treatments available online or through ePUB AFA manual or bandaging parties organized by a patrol
  • Group run through of patient assessment at walk the hill day
  • Group run through of BLS process rather than using equipment, such as mannequins. This was more an issue due to limited resources so difficult to have as part of requalification
  • Quebec was still required to do a 16 hour virtual requalification course; New Brunswick required a six hour course

Additionally, in order to assist with retention of patrollers, it was recommended that any patroller with one year sabbatical, regardless of years of service, be offered:

  • Attend new candidate course on key dates (to be determined) to cover the updates and evaluations
  • If there is an issue with either too many candidates in an AFA/eAFA class OR too many returning sabbatical patrollers, it is to be brought forward by ZTM for discussion and approval for alternative process with DTM. This could include attending a one-day session organized by the zone.
  • Full evaluations are required for:
  • Training record
  • Written
  • Diagnostic

For patrollers with two years or more sabbatical, the LOA guideline was used to determine process of taking the full AFA course.

For instructors, the requirement to achieve the necessary hours for the appropriate instructor level was waived for the 2020-2021 season, as appropriate, at the discretion of the ZTM.


Recommendations for 2021-22 Season

The CSP Board of Directors is being asked to approve the following recommendations from the TDC for the 2021-22 season.

Requalification of patrollers:

The training record was posted January 1st 2021. Exams (written/diagnostic) were posted to NDS as of April 1 2021.

Online learning is available on Moodle using last year’s requalification courses. A new module for the 2021 requalification course will be posted soon regarding the changes to the OS manual to be released this spring. With no updated/changed information, some areas where resorts didn’t open or had very short seasons, patrollers who took sabbaticals, the emphasis is the continued use of the changes to patient assessment and use of PPE.

With the established use of COVID-19 protocols for classroom and available vaccination, it is anticipated that CSP can return to a classroom (more likely in the fall) for the 16-hour requalification with an emphasis on practicing/demonstrating skills. Pending the status of COVID restrictions, there is emphasis for online learning with follow-up in person sessions at a later date:

  • Course modules can be done online
  • Written exam can be done online (where it is an allowed option)
  • Training records: preference is to be done in classroom, however some skills such as wound treatments can be done through use of TEAMS
  • Patient assessment will need to be done in person as is a dynamic process to assess
  • BLS, skills such as splinting, backboard, femur, and diagnostic will need to be done in person

Skill degradation of patrollers has been noted through observational data through discussions of TDC. There have been comments relayed from patrollers in debriefing of accidents post-treatment of not feeling as well prepared as previous years. More specifically, this was noted even in Quebec who took part in virtual requalification course! (NOTE: The issue of skill degradation is being followed up through surveys to be sent out later).


In the 2020-2021 patrolling season, patrollers were informed if they felt it was unsafe to patrol, they could have a sabbatical without repercussion. This has put some patrollers in a situation where they had taken a sabbatical in 2019-2020 for whatever reason, and then took a sabbatical related to COVID-19 in 2020-2021.

After many discussions and in the interest of retention of these affected patrollers, the TDC is recommending the following:

  • Taking a modified AFA course
  • If a modified course is not offered by the zone, the patroller will attend required classroom sessions for practice in treatments and in particular of the changed patient assessment and PPE requirements

For all other patrollers, there will be return to the normal requirements of the Leave of Absence guidelines.


Patrollers will need to recertify their BLS requirements in classroom due to skill degradation. This will be done following the established protocols in the Return to Classroom guidance document.

AFA courses:

It is anticipated with the established usage classroom guideline and anticipated vaccination rates for AFA classes to resume in the fall. This will be subject to provincial/territorial and regional guidance from health care authorities. Zone will need prudence in making arrangements for classes bearing the variability of COVID-19 in mind.

On Snow:

It is anticipated for on snow requalification to return to normal next season. In discussions with DTM over the winter, it was determined:

  • Any returning patrollers who were extended requalification for one year due to COVID-19 this last winter, will need to requalify on snow in 2021-2022
  • Patroller will be given a two-year time period until next requalification. This will return them to their normal three year-cycle

NOTE: Central Zone has had a very short ski season of about two months leaving a larger number than expected of returning patrollers not requalified for OS.  Through the Ontario DTM, they have provided notice of developing a separate proposal to manage this issue. It will be dealt with separately than this proposal when received.

Updating of instructors through Instructor Yearly Update (IYU)

Returning instructors of all levels are required to attend an IYU for each discipline (i.e. AFA, on snow) as they provide instruction to patrollers. (Instructor Certification Manual 2021) The intent is for instructors to be made aware of any updates in the discipline, review evaluations, and generally to prepare for the season’s instruction.

This will be done either virtually or through classroom attendance if allowed.

T&D is hosting a session on April 14th for TDC on the use of a virtual classroom based on the work of NFLD/Labrador virtual instructor course held last year. A facilitator’s guide has been developed and will be reviewed as part of the session. A plan to hold a session for all instructors will be discussed further to determine dates.

Instructor courses:

Instructor courses may resume following COVID-19 classroom guidelines and possible provincial/territorial or regional restrictions. The option of virtual course will be made available if needed for situations such as long-distance concerns or COVID-10 restrictions.


Recommendation summary:

  • Instructor courses and IYU will resume with option to do virtually
  • Requalification online modules are posted for use (OS module is anticipated by April 10th)
  • Exams are available on NDS as of April 1st
  • Requalification and AFA courses can resume using classroom guideline as allowed with provincial/territorial or regional restrictions. This may need to be postponed to fall due to concerns of COVID-19 variants. The emphasis is practice/demonstration of AFA skills
  • On snow qualification will resume for both new candidates and returning patrollers with the shortening to two-year cycle for those who had extension this winter.


  • Maintenance of standards for AFA and OS skills
  • Increasing instructors by offering of new courses; updating of returning instructors to new information based on CSA and ILCOR standards
  • Ongoing use of COVID-19 guidance documents and encouragement of vaccine to lessen risks
  • Retention of patrollers returning from sabbaticals


  • COVID-19 will continue to impact the ability to return to classroom, particularly this spring. Zones will need to be diligent in making plans for AFA classes.




Linda Andrews

VP Training & Development


2021-2022 Training season Training & Development Proposal in response to the ongoing impact of COVID-19

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