By Mark Brown and Jean Rioux, Co-Executive Directors ( (


We have been on the job for 90 days now and thought an update was in order. With the pandemic, unknowns are many and we’re working to ensure everyone has the necessary information to be safe while patrolling. The education team provided us with protocols compatible with public health and resort requirements across the country.

The 2019 zone presidents’ meeting saw consensus on a number of initiatives and requests; some are underway and others still open. Using those as a guide and with the board of directors’ direction, we were able to hit the ground running.

We’re engaging with our operational leadership on a number of fronts. A COVID-19 patrol leader conference call was held and early season experiences shared. Contact with zone presidents continues, to better understand their zone challenges and how we can support them.

A communications audit has begun to gain understanding of how we communicate to our members. The team, led by Kerri Loudon, is refining its terms of reference and action plan. You may be contacted by one of them soon.

We continue to work on translation issues. Thank you to Quebec Division members Guy Deshai, Pierre-Pierre Blais, Anick Vaillancourt and others for their help when asked on short notice. We’re preparing government grant applications for funding to make communication to all members seamless. Renee Thivierge obtained a donation to assist with the translation of the new On-Snow Manual. More information will be coming shortly.

The human resources department struck a diversity and inclusion committee, and recruited interested patrollers. Tom Carr and Eleanor Culver will interview and select committee members and create terms of reference in late winter.

A two-session education summit in late January answered outstanding questions as to why we do what we do in education. Questions from across the CSP were answered. Overall, the response was positive and pertinent constructive feedback received. The presentation and recorded calls have been posted on the national website and help to answer the why for a number of areas.

Additional calls for patrol leaders, zone and division presidents are forthcoming on subjects like liability and insurance and mutual respect training, to ensure the leadership has the necessary information to be successful.

An administrative audit is underway see if there are efficiencies to be found. Renee Thivierge has taken on the responsibilities of the VP administration. We continue to look for opportunities that would be better performed by the national office and take the load off the volunteers.

We’re also looking at the organizational structure and culture for the future. You will hear that we must be “open, honest and respectful” in everything we do as an organization, to create an environment where members feel appreciated and heard. This leads to more members being involved beyond the actual patrolling, lightening the load on our fellow patrollers that are working for all of us.

We wish you all a successful winter, however that may look, and look to next season with the hope that we return to something that will look a little more normal.

The first 90 days

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