March 11, 2021

While our ski seasons are starting to work towards their closing dates, the Management Committee would like to take some time for leadership at the patrol, zone and division levels to explore our response to COVID-19. Additionally, the zone presidents quarterly update is scheduled for April 13, and all leadership levels are welcome to attend.

The meetings will be help “webinar style” using Microsoft Teams. An account is not required – the links will work in your web browser or the Microsoft Teams application.


Meeting Audience Topics Dates and Time
Patrol Leader COVID-19 Operations Update and Town Hall Meeting Patrol Leaders The Co-Directors will chair the meeting and present any new information. There will be lots of time for Patrol Leaders to ask questions about operating during the pandemic.


Virtual meeting coordinates



March 24, 8pm EST
Zone Presidents Quarterly Update Zone Presidents

Division Presidents

A report from the national VPs will be posted prior to the meeting and presented for questions. There will be a board update and a financial report. Important topics will be presented in detail.


Virtual meeting coordinates



April 13, 8pm EST


Please direct question to Tom Carr, VP Patrol Operations (

Information Meetings

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