By Craig Taggart, Recognition Program Chair (

In times when it is challenging to get together and being inundated with negative news, we need to infuse some positivity. One way we can do that is through recognizing the efforts of our fellow patrollers.

In accordance with the CSP National Recognition Policy, nominations are now open for the 2020-2021 recognition program. Please be aware of all prerequisites before making a submission for recognition. The recognition guide can be found on the national database, and also in the members’ area of the CSP website, under awards.

Things to remember when making a submission:

  • Nominations may be made, in most cases, by any member in good standing. Some zones have committees tasked with putting forth nominations, however, from a national standpoint, individuals may make a nomination on their own.
  • A complete nomination is needed – be sure to include all information being requested. The program guide indicates the questions being asked for each award.
  • Be specific – say things like “This person led the committee responsible for …,” rather than “This person worked on xyz committee.”
  • Be sure the individual has met any prerequisites where necessary. If not, nominate the person for that award first.
  • Consider having a committee to review patrollers and come up with submissions – don’t just leave it for one person to do.
  • Be succinct – there are word limits. If you cannot say what you want in that number of words – rework your nomination.
  • The committee can only score a nomination based on what is presented and cannot bring personal knowledge of a nominee into the discussion process, as it is not fair to other nominees.
  • If you have questions, ask! If you are not sure of which award is best suited, just drop a note – the recognition committee is here to help. We want to ensure that all deserving members are recognized.
  • And finally, don’t wait for somebody else to nominate an individual – that person may be waiting for you. Be that ‘somebody else’ and submit your nomination.

Currently, the deadline for nominations is February 15, 2021.

We look forward to receiving your nominations. Please give the committee a lot of work this year. Stay safe and keep thinking snow.

Call for nominations for patroller recognition

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