By Mark Brown and Jean Rioux, Co-Executive Directors ( (


The first 30 days for the co-executive directors have been busy. In addition to participating in the regularly scheduled conference calls with division presidents, the national management committee and the national board of directors, we’re learning about the different pinch points in the organization.

Effective communication is important, especially in an organization such as ours, so Kerri Loudon will be leading a team over the next few months to audit how we communicate and how we can improve.

Edward Grant from Eastern Townships Zone has been appointed as the CSP vice-president finance. Brittany McKinnon, Western Zone, has joined the national recruiting and retention team.

A national conference call was held with patrol leaders and zone presidents to share information from open areas about patrolling in the COVID-19 world. We’re scheduling a training summit in the first quarter of.

Our more formal introduction to zone presidents will be on the quarterly update call in mid-December 2020. We have also started a series of telephone calls with zone and division presidents across Canada to discuss and learn about the different regional perceptions and what value they are looking for from the national organization. We’re also reviewing and addressing the various members proposals from the September annual general meeting, with the goal of providing feedback and resolution as quickly as possible.

Jean’s lanes are operations, member services and training. Mark is focusing on governance, strategy, finance and administration. Communications and industry relations are shared responsibilities.

Our focus is on the membership, providing value to our members for being part of the Canadian Ski Patrol and regaining momentum forward in the organization.

A message from Mark and Jean

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