June 27, 2020


Fellow Patrollers,

We take pride in our place in outdoor sport in Canada. We are visible at snow resorts, amateur athletics, cultural events, and community gatherings. We keep people safe on the snow and beyond.

We strive to be a welcoming organization. We do not tolerate harassment or bullying amongst members. We encourage diversity. Notwithstanding this, the impacts of the events of the past few weeks are inescapable and we, like every thoughtful Canadian, must ask ourselves: are we part of the problem?

Racism in all its forms is around us. Fairness and justice demand that we act against racism even though we may not, as individuals, feel its effects. Just as Canada is not immune to systemic and institutional racism, our winter pastimes are not immune to passive exclusion of all Peoples of Colour.

The tragic deaths of Regis Korchinski-Paquet and George Floyd among countless others compels the Canadian Ski Patrol to look closely and ask if we have been self-aware and reflect on whether our role has perpetuated institutional racism.

Racism and prejudice have no place in Canada or the Canadian Ski Patrol.

As a charity, a benevolent organization and a fellowship of selfless dedication to the community, we are committed to taking anti-racist steps to stand with our fellow Black, Indigenous and People of Colour Canadians. We will endeavour to listen and learn from stakeholders and individuals about how we can contribute to eliminating all forms of racism and exclusion.

Reach out and share your stories or resources that have helped you. Contact us so that we can offer your experiences to all members and, by doing so, be a positive voice for justice and a strengthened family of ski patrollers [info@skipatrol.ca]. We will share updates on our progress and actions through our website and emails.

There is work ahead for our organization. We must step up and stand with our BIPOC Canadians.

We must come together to end racial injustice.


Canadian Ski Patrol Board of Directors


Statement on Racism

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