May 3, 2020


Dear members of the Canadian Ski Patrol,

This is the first communication in a new style and tone directly from the Board of Directors to you.  We want to be as open, transparent, and collaborative with the membership  as much as possible. Will we be perfect? Probably not, but our goal is progress and we will achieve this by working together.

On April 27th, the Board of Directors appointed Anne Haley-Callaghan as the Interim CEO/President of the Canadian Ski Patrol (CSP).  Anne has captained the ship for us before and we are pleased that she has accepted.  It did come with one condition, that we, as a board help her in our specific areas of expertise.   And so, over the next few months, it will be a team effort and the entire board will be more active as we plan and work in partnership with you and the National Management Committee.

Our immediate priorities are to complete the budget and organize the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to take austerity measures with regards to the budget and it is currently under review by the Financial Oversight Committee.

Our bylaws currently stipulate that our AGM must be held in June of each year. Given the current situation, we are sending a request to the federal government to seek flexibility in our bylaws so we can have our AGM virtually in September, using electronic participation and electronic voting.  We believe many other organizations will be submitting similar requests, and we are confident that with the input we have received so far from various levels of the CSP, that Members are supportive of this approach.  Planning for the AGM and elections continue.

We will start the process to find a new leader soon. We are presently reviewing the structure at the national level for both the paid and volunteer levels. There will be consultation with members.  Once we have made a decision on the structure a search will ensue.

As we reassess, rebuild, and realign, we will be reaching out for help from members and we know that when in need, patrollers always step up.

If you have any questions or require more information, please contact me directly and I will be happy to help you out.


Sincerely, on behalf of the Board of Directors,


Jodie Marc Lalonde

Board of Directors – Communication Liaison


CSP Announces Interim CEO

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