Dear Members,

The CSP distributed a video message on Tuesday, April 14th about the CSP’s actions in response to COVID-19. Many of you have not seen the video due to technical difficulties with the email message. We removed the video from the CSP website on Wednesday due to messaging that required clarification.

In my message, confusion was created about the CSP’s policy towards recertification and the delivery of the recertification courses due to COVID-19. I apologize for the confusion, particularly to our Québec members.

I indicated that recertification courses had been cancelled for 2020-2021. This requires clarification.

The CSP National Board of Directors approved the extension of AFA and BLS certifications for all currently certified members by one year and they will now expire on December 31, 2021. This was done to help alleviate any pressure for zones to deliver the recertification course while public health policies do not allow social gatherings due to COVID-19. A “Need to Know” was sent on March 27, 2020 to all zone and division presidents to announce this policy.

The board’s decision included:

  • CSP Regular Members current certification will be extended by 12 months to expire on December 31, 2021.
  • CSP Regular Members must requalify for AFA, including BLS, prior to December 31, 2021 and that upon requalification the certification is valid until December 31, 2022.
  • CSP Regular Members who are Instructors and Instructor Trainers and whose certifications expire in 2020 will have their certification extended for one calendar year from the current expiration date.
  • Instructor training courses for 2020-2021 are suspended until March 31, 2021 unless approved by the VP Training and Development.

These policies are INTERIM measures and only apply to current CSP Regular Members. All other CSP Regulations remain in effect. New members must complete the appropriate AFA and BLS training as outlined in the CSP Regulations.

We are aware of the requirement in Québec to recertify every year. The Québec Division leadership has initiated discussions with the government of that province with a view to suspending for the 2020-2021 season the 16-hour recertification training requirement imposed by regulations. Québec Division leadership will keep us informed of the progress of these discussions.

We are living in uncertain times and I hope you, your family, friends, and colleagues are managing your physical and mental health and wellness.



Zoe Robinson


Clarification of recertification requirements

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