Dear zone presidents and division presidents,

On March 13, 2020, the CSP notified members that Altitude 2020 on June 4-7, 2020 in Calgary was postponed. We are reviewing options to reschedule Altitude and would like you to complete a very short survey by clicking on the link below. The survey will take less than one minute to complete.

Please complete the survey no later than 11:59 pm PDT on Saturday March 21, 2020.

The option include:

  • November 5-8, 2020 in Calgary, Alberta
    • Join the fall portfolio meetings already scheduled.
    • Include the Zone Presidents meeting and the annual general meeting of members
  • Cancel Altitude 2020
    • Zone Presidents would not meet in person for a 2-year period (between Altitude 2019 and Altitude 2021)
    • The annual general meeting of members would have to be held via video and teleconference with electronic voting.
      • The Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act allows meetings of members to be held electronically with electronic voting.
      • Not-profit organizations (NPOs) who do not want to meet electronically must state so in their by-laws and specifically OPT OUT of the ability to hold meeting of members by electronic means
      • The CSP by-laws do not contain an article that opts out of electronic voting.

The board of directors, division presidents, and the national management committee are meeting on Monday, March 23, 2020 at 7:00 pm EDT to discuss this matter.

Please contact me if you have any questions.




Zoe Robinson, CPA, CMA

President and CEO


Survey on rescheduling option for Altitude 2020

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