March 23, 2020

With the increasing impact of COVID-19 on CSP patrollers, questions are arising regarding requalification of patrollers and recertification of instructors. The T&D Coordinators and DTMs met this past week to discuss potential contingencies and accommodation plans.   The Training & Development Committee will propose recommendations to National Management Committee and Board of Directors.

Of the immediate concerns, all resources are planned to be available on April 1st. This includes the evaluations, requalification module, and updated modules for the addendum of changes already available on NDS.

Second, any instructor whose certification is due to expire in the coming months will be extended to Sept 30th, 2020. This will allow for them to have continued access to training resources on NDS.

Discussions under way include a variety of options for updating of instructors and patrollers:

  • suspension of all in class training sessions to follow the required 2 metre (six foot) social distancing requirements until further notice
  • online courses to update on the changes related to training projects
  • suspension of all evaluations for patrollers with extension of certification dates for one year

The T&D coordinators will be meeting by the end of March to further discuss the options and present a plan to the membership. This will allow some time to see if any flattening effect is occurring which may give some indication of the time frame of public health measures, discussion with the provincial regulatory agencies and review of the plan by the board of directors.

Please contact your local Division Training Manager for further information.




Linda Andrews

VP Training & Development


Impact of COVID-19 on Training & Development (T&D)

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