March 27, 2020


Dear zone presidents and division presidents,

The board of directors of the Canadian Ski Patrol met on Thursday, March 26, 2020 and approved the following interim policies to address training and certification due to COVID-19:

  • CSP regular member current certification will be extended by 12 months, and will now expire on December 31, 2021.
  • CSP regular members must requalify for AFA, including BLS, prior to December 31, 2021 and that upon requalification the certification is valid until December 31, 2022.
  • CSP regular members who are instructors and instructor-trainers, and whose certifications expire in 2020, will have their certification extended for one calendar year from the current expiration date.
  • Instructor training courses for 2020-2021 are suspended until March 31, 2021 unless approved by the VP Training and Development.

These policies are INTERIM measures and only apply to current CSP regular members. All other CSP regulations remain in effect. New members must complete the appropriate AFA and BLS training as outlined in the regulations.


Quebec Division leadership has started discussions with the Quebec Government to recommend that the 16 hours of requalification required by law be waived for 2020-2021. Quebec Division leadership will provide further information to you when available.

Your member record will be updated in the NDS to reflect these changes.

The implementation of these interim measures will alleviate a zone’s immediate need to conduct requalification courses when the public health authorities’ directions limit the ability to deliver training activities. We do not know when the current restrictions will be lifted and we believe these measures address the stress and concerns felt by zones about completing all the requalification courses in time for the ski season.

Remember, please follow the public health guidelines in your province and proper hand washing techniques to control the management and spread of COVID-19. Our thoughts are with you and your families; stay safe and healthy.


Zoe Robinson, CPA, CMA

President and CEO


Extension of AFA, BLS, and Instructor Certification

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