March 26, 2020


Recent reports in various media have identified that there is a shortage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for medical staff during the current COVID-19 Public Health Emergency. Understandably, patrollers have suggested that supplies held by patrols should be donated to assist.

If a local authority makes such a request, local zones and divisions are encouraged do what they can, keeping in mind the following:

  1. Follow the guidelines: Only donate what is requested.
  2. Ensure ownership: Check first who purchased the PPE. Resort equipment is their property and only they can decide how it is used.
  3. Think ahead: Keep in mind that PPE may be required by your patrol or zone this coming season. If there is a shortage of PPE for patrollers, the CSP is not likely to be a high priority for replacement. This may compromise your ability to treat patients. Ensure that there is a reasonable amount of PPE available for your patrol to perform its duties.
  4. Safety first: Do not put yourself or others at risk to open facilities that have been closed. Do not disobey municipal, provincial or federal regulations or directives to obtain PPE for donation.

The Government of Ontario has set up a website at to facilitate the donation of supplies. If you are aware of similar requests from other provinces or local jurisdictions, please notify Michele Doherty ( at the CSP National Office and she will share the info.

The decision to donate supplies is a zone’s or local patrol’s decision to be made in conjunction with local Health authorities. If you do decide to act, Patrol Leaders please keep your Zone President updated, who will then update Division Presidents.

During disasters, there is a natural desire to offer help. Municipal, provincial and federal authorities are working hard to bring scarce resources to where they can do the most good. We should continue to follow their direction which assists them in returning the situation to normal as quickly as possible.

Thank you for being good community citizens. Thank you for supporting the Canadian Ski Patrol.




National Management Committee

Donating Ski Patrol Supplies to Health Care Facilities

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