[March 25, 2020


Dear Members,

On Sunday, March 22, 2020, the CSP National Board of Directors approved a resolution to cancel Altitude 2020 in Calgary due to the COVID-19 crisis.

We are establishing a process to refund all registrations by March 31, 2020. All hotel rooms that were booked through the CSP will be cancelled.

To cancel and obtain a refund on flights please contact your air carrier or travel agent directly.  If you previously filed an expense claim and have been reimbursed by the national office contact Renée Thivierge directly for further processes

The 2020 Annual Meeting of Members (“AGM”) was to be held during Altitude 2020. The board of directors is reviewing a variety of options to host the AGM and will communicate with the members on when, where, and how the AGM will take place.

We apologize for any inconveniences this decision causes. We feel strongly that protecting the health and safety of our members is very important and have taken an appropriate decision.

Please contact me, if you have any questions.



Zoe Robinson, CPA, CMA

President and CEO


Altitude 2020 is Cancelled

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