December 22, 2019

Dear division presidents and zone presidents,

Upcoming change to NDS

This note is to advise you of an upcoming change to the NDS. Presently, the NDS allows for zone and division administrators the ability to download registered patrollers’ contact information (available under Operations Tools > Reports and Downloads). This function provides the information in a format read by Microsoft Excel and includes members’ personal information (i.e. address, date of birth, telephone, email, etc). After December 22, 2019, this report will be limited to the following fields:

  • CSP identification number
  • Member name
  • Member email (primary and secondary)
  • Member telephone number (all – if indicated by the member that information can be shared)

The change is being made to improve the protection of personal identification information within the NDS in response to an incident where there was a breach of information. The members impacted by the breach were contacted immediately and this is one of the steps taken in response to the incident. In our review of this incident, we recognized that sharing too much information is an unnecessary risk. For this reason, contact lists will contain information that is unlikely to contribute to an identity theft scenario moving forward. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact President/CEO, Zoe Robinson –

NDS replacement project

As part of the NDS replacement project, we are collecting user stories of how members in various roles interact with the database. A user story is a very simple yet effective way for us to collect what the expectations are for how the database will function. The wording is specific to the different roles played, what is done in that role and the business reason it is done. To collect this information, we have created a collection point using Microsoft Forms Online.

User stories for NDS replacement project

Please enter in as many user stories as you feel are needed. The format is as simple as: “as a zone training manager, I would like to search for other zone training managers so that I can share a learning experience”. The survey will be open for two weeks – closing on January 6, 2020.

If you have questions on the project, please contact:

Greg McCormick, VP Communications and Marketing –

Diane Lemay, IT Manager –

Upcoming change to NDS / NDS replacement project

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