By Jack Haley, National First Aid Competition Coordinator (

It’s time to throw down the gauntlet with your fellow patrollers, to sharpen your competitive edge and fulfil your Type A personality. You proved your abilities during training, and you will continue to prove what you learned throughout your ski season. What better way to complete the package than to come together in Calgary, with two of your patrol friends, and show the rest of this organization exactly what you can do.

When:    Saturday, June 6, 2020

Where:   Delta Calgary Downtown, Calgary, Alberta

Now that the date and the place are set, the competition development team will be meeting to develop and finalize the stations that will comprise the event. It will promise to challenge you and your team, as well cause you to have a great time – that is our goal for you.

We have been in touch with your division training managers and have heard back on the positive side from most of them. Those who that have not responded, I am still expecting to hear from you.

Talk among yourselves, with your area trainers, and with your zone and division training officers. Tell them all that you are interested in showing the other teams, at the local level first, that your energy and abilities can and will carry you all the way to the national competition.

More information is to follow. If you have any questions, please contact

Competition 2020

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