In February 2018, Pascal Paquet was at a Costco in Trois Rivieres, Quebec ready to pay for his purchases when he heard a call asking for a doctor, nurse, or paramedic. Pascal identified himself as a first responder and was quickly taken to where a man was unconscious and cyanotic on the floor. CPR had been started and an AED was present with a first shock already delivered.

Pascal was asked to take over CPR, and following another analysis by the AED, no shock was advised. CPR was continued, and after a short while, the patient reacted to the pain, his skin began to look more normal, and consciousness began to return as EMS arrived to the scene.

The patient was diagnosed with a blockage of the coronary arteries, and had a stent put in. His daughters wrote to Pascal stating, “You and the others saved my father” and “Without you, we would probably not have our father at our side” and finally, “A thousand thanks to all of those who intervened”.

For his quick actions which contributed to saving the life of another, Pascal Paquet was honoured with the John D. Harper Lifesaving Award in Toronto at the 2019 Altitude conference.

Lifesaving award – Pascal Paquet – Bois Francs Zone

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