By A.P. Crawford, CSP Periodical Editor and Production Manager (5×


For the past two ski seasons, the Collingwood area CSP in Central Zone has partnered in a pilot project with the Rural Ontario Medical Program (ROMP) and the emergency department at Collingwood General & Marine Hospital (CGMH). It involves select patrollers observing shifts at the hospital alongside the doctors and nurses, allowing them to see the next steps in the care cycle and how their on hill treatments contribute to patient outcomes. The project has seen positive results from both the CSP and CGMH perspectives.

As the second-busiest hospital for musculoskeletal injuries in Canada, CGMH is a coveted destination for medical students throughout the country. CSP Central Zone President Mark Brown says “We are very fortunate to be a partner in the hospital’s teaching program. The feedback from all of our members who have participated has been extremely positive.”

To date a total of 48 patrollers have participated in the program which until now has operated on weekends. With the program’s renewal for a third season, the hospital has added additional shifts to include mid-week days during the Christmas and spring break periods and is being expanded to include CSP members throughout Central Zone.

Brian Mitchell, CSP liaison to CGMH said that communication between the emergency department and the patrol has been much improved. A hotline has been established between all Collingwood resorts and the emergency department. Attending patrollers can provide direct input to ER doctors while patients are being transported by ambulance from the resorts.

In June of this year, Dr. Michael Lisi and Dr. Matt DiStefano were presented with honorary CSP memberships for their work with Central Zone on this program. Dr. DiStefano is looking to replicate the program outside of the Collingwood area and has also agreed to include the CSP in the hospital’s new casualty simulation lab when the scenarios are appropriate.

(l-r) Central Zone President Mark Brown, Dr. Michael Lisi, Brian Mitchell

(Photo provided by Central Zone).

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