Pierre Pierre Blais – Life Member No. 70

Pierre Pierre Blais has contributed greatly to the CSP and has impacted at all levels: zone, division and national. He has championed the goal of bilingualism at all levels with great success. Nationally he was responsible for the development of many policies; mutual respect, jackets, corporate knowledge retention, and improved record keeping, and he led the way on bilingualism for all our resources, including manuals, exams, and training information.

He is a committed instructor and mentor, giving many hours in teaching and first aid coverage at special events. He expects and teaches at a higher level than required and is always well prepared.

Pierre Pierre provides guidance and mentoring to all that ask and readily and freely imparts his knowledge in an effort to support succession. He is an exemplary role model to all patrollers across the CSP.

With more than 35 years of service, his contributions and impact have been far reaching, from the individual to the national organization level and everything in between. Over the years he has held many positions including Quebec Division vice-president of communications, division board member, Quebec Division president, member of the national board of directors, corporate secretary, national president and chair of the board of directors, and currently is the national training and development translator.

Attention to detail is his credo and we have all benefited from his work- whether it be accuracy in record keeping, standardized protocols, or presentations. He is a man of ethics, principle and dedication. He is selfless in sharing his knowledge with others. Any of these qualities and achievements is deserving of acknowledgement on its own, but in whole they are outstanding.

The Canadian Ski Patrol was very pleased to present Pierre Pierre Blais with Canadian Ski Patrol, Life Member

No. 70 at this year’s Altitude conference in Toronto, Ontario.


Tom Carr – Life Member No. 71

Tom Carr has a long history of involvement in the Canadian Ski Patrol and has held a number of executive positions at the zone, division and national levels. He has worked tirelessly for the betterment of the Canadian Ski patrol both in a leadership role and as a committee member.

Tom has developed and created policies, procedures and guidelines at all levels of the CSP which have not only assisted patrollers but also the organization as a whole. Regardless of the task that he has undertaken, each has ensured that all activities at zone, division and national level have a positive contribution to the CSP,

Tom is quick to jump in and assist whenever and wherever needed. Whether it is to help write a document to get government funding or take on a leadership role or to lead a department, he does so with passion and commitment.

The listing of Tom’s involvement at each level is extensive, and varied. To say that Tom has touched virtually every portfolio at each level would be an understatement. His involvement is tremendous and his dedication exceptional.

Whether in the role of national communications manager, division vice-president of operations, Central Zone vice-president of education and zone president, Ontario Division president or national vice-president of administration to just name a few, Tom has made significant contributions to the Canadian Ski Patrol over time and continues to do so. In fact Tom has just assumed the role of national vice-president of patrol operations.

In recognition of his contributions to the Canadian Ski Patrol we were very pleased to recognize Tom Carr with Life Member No. 71 at the Altitude Conference in Toronto in June.

(Photo by Greg McCormick)


Jean-Marc Ferland, Life Member No. 72

The CSP Life Member Award is normally reserved for current regular patrollers, i.e. patrollers who fulfill training obligations and provide services on behalf of the organization. However, there is provision for the awarding of a life membership to individuals who were once active, but may not be active any longer as a fully-qualified patroller, and still remain heavily involved. Jean-Marc Ferland fits that criteria.

Jean-Marc is one of our most respected peers who continues to make a significant and positive impact on the CSP nationally and counsels many directors, division and zone presidents, and others, both past and present.

It is not easy to document specific instances where Jean-Marc’s actions have had a positive long-term impact because so much of the work he has done has been confidential. Much of the advice he has provided has been system-building; and other advice has prevented our organization from being on the receiving end of financially crippling lawsuits. It is safe to say that the CSP has avoided many a legal pitfall due to his legal advice.

Jean-Marc has been a valued resource for the CSP, chairing zone presidents’ meetings, meet-the-candidate forums, and many elections over the past number of years.

Jean-Marc exemplifies the qualities and attributes of a life member and despite physical limitations that prevent him from performing the on-snow duties of a patroller, he is still a dedicated member and passionate supporter who continues to perform an outstanding service for the CSP.

We are grateful for the services Jean-Marc has provided to the CSP, and for the advice, knowledge, and assistance he has provided over the years as a member of the legal committee, and we were delighted to present Life Member No. 72 to Jean-Marc Ferland at the Altitude conference in Toronto in June, 2019.

(photo by Greg McCormick)

Three life member awards presented in 2019

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