July 9, 2019

Dear zone presidents and division presidents,

Please find below a link to the business case for the replacement of the existing National Database System. The work behind the scenes on this topic has been ongoing for over a year now, and the team of CSP members with professional information technology and project management backgrounds has been working hard to evaluate all possible solutions.

We are asking for your comments, both positive and negative, on this initiative. We will present your thoughts with the business case to the board of directors in early August. In order to have sufficient time to capture them, we ask that you provide your comments to ITrenewalteam@skipatrol.ca no later than July 24, 2019.

Business Case – NDS Replacement Project

Appendix A – Proposal from COOP SymbioTIC (English only)


Diane Lemay                                     Greg McCormick

IT Program Manager                       VP Communications and Marketing

For review – Business case supporting the replacement of the National Database System

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