Dear zone presidents and division presidents,

Please find attached the link to the documents (annual report, financial statements, etc.) to support your attendance at the Annual General Meeting of the Members of the Canadian Ski Patrol, on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 2:30 PM.

Documents for the Annual General Meeting


If you would like to join online to follow the proceedings, please note the following teleconferencing details:

  • Toll-free number – 1 (833) 762-7466
  • Toll number (Southern Ontario (Toronto)) – 1 (647) 749-9252
  • Conference ID – 68902707
  • For those with an Office 365 account ( email) you can connect online – Join Skype Meeting

Note: to minimize on interference and feedback, if multiple people are listening from the same location, only one device should be used for the audio. The remaining devices (tablets, computers, etc.) can monitor the video/presentation by muting their speakers.


Greg McCormick

Vice-President of Brand and Partners


Annual General Meeting – Supporting documents and online/telephone access

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