By: Bruce Robinson, President and CEO (


Ski swaps, developed, organized and managed by zones across Canada, annually, go a long way towards supporting this organization.  It’s no secret that an enormous amount of volunteer effort goes into them.

Some large, others small, nearly every zone hosts their own ski swap. In fact, some members work on the largest swaps year ‘round. Once one is complete, they start work on the next one.

Why do they do this? They do it because the money made is crucial to their survival in many areas. This income allows operations throughout the winter to run smoothly.

To those who offer their time, effort and commitment each year at their local ski swap — and then donate a piece of the pie to the CSP national office — thank you.

Specifically, we would like to identify the following generous donations:

  • Greater Vancouver Zone: $5,500
  • Calgary Zone: $5,157.50
  • Southern Alberta Zone: $500

Donations made to the Canadian Ski Patrol (CSP) national office by zones do go a long way toward building this organization.

The CSP is stronger today because of you. Thank you!

Ski swap donations to the CSP this year by zones

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