April 17, 2019

Dear division presidents and zone presidents,

A call for applications to participate on the CSP Strategic Design Steering Committee (SDSC) garnered 22 applications from a wide variety of CSP members. 18 men and four women applied; 11 patrollers with less than 15 years of experience; 11 patrollers with more than 25 years of experience, including four life members; six patrollers under the age of 50; 10 patrollers from the west; one patroller from the east; 11 patrollers from ON and QC; eight patrollers from small zones; 14 patrollers from large zones.

Members of the SDSC were selected and supported by the CSP Board of Directors last week and each of the SDSC participants have been notified they were selected. As well, all other applicants and their respective Zone Presidents were notified as well.

I am pleased to announce the following CSP members will participate on the SDSC:

First Name Last Name Age Yrs CSP Zone Division Female Male Life
Jean Francois Bourk 42 24 Lanaudiere Quebec no yes no
Patrick Buchanan 57 28 Central Ontario no yes no
Douglas Couture 53 11 North Border Atlantic West no yes no
Jennifer Delaney 49 7 Central Ontario yes no no
Anne Haley-Callaghan 70 35 Palliser Mountain yes no yes
Gord Jooristy 57 37 Qu’Appelle Saskatchewan no yes yes
Lori Natuik 62 15 Red River Manitoba yes no no
Paul Robins 58 4 Gatineau Quebec no yes no
Bruce Robinson 55 1 National National no yes no
Marco Romani 48 10 Eastern Township Quebec no yes No
NMC Member

This group of people represent zones from across the country, large and small, with an average age 56 and 19 years of CSP service. The SDSC will be chaired by Anne Haley-Callaghan, Chair of the CSP Board of Directors, and a member from the NMC will be named soon.

The SDSC will meet soon and begin its work with an update report provided during Altitude 2019.

I want to thank all of the CSP members who applied for the SDSC. The number of applications confirms the membership is deeply connected to the CSP and wants to be active participants in developing the future of the organization.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Bruce Robinson, CPA, CMA

President and CEO


Update to Strategic Design Steering Committee

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