April 22, 2019


Dear division presidents and zone presidents,

The CSP has named three zone representatives to consult with national management and the Financial Oversight Committee regarding the 2019-2020 operational budget as well as the development of an applicable financial reporting framework. The period of consultation will conclude once the final 2019-2020 operational budget is approved by the Board of Directors.

  • Jean-François Bourk – Lanaudiere Zone, Member of Quebec Division Board of Directors
  • Brittany Borysek – Central Zone
  • Gord Jooritsy – Qu’Appelle Zone


Jean Francois Bourk 

Jean-François has been an active member of the CSP for 24 years having served most recently as Zone President for Lanaudiere Zone and is currently a member of the Board of Directors for the Quebec Division.

Jean-François is an engineer by training who has worked in administration and project management.


Brittany Borysek

Brittany has been an active member of the CSP for 11 years in Central Zone and heavily involved in Central Zone’s training department, zone finances and ski swaps. She has attended several national AGMs and had the chance to review the national office financial statements and budget in years past so she is familiar with the current format that is presented by national.

Brittany is a CPA, CA who currently works for Magna as a controller for one of their larger North American divisions. She is responsible for the forecasting and reporting for a $400 million dollar annual budget. Before Magna, Brittany had 10 years of experience in public accounting, at both a national and mid-size firm where her client based was heavily focused in the not for profit sector.


Gord Jooristy

Gord is a 38-year member and Life Member #41 of the CSP and the founder and one of the two principle coordinators of the Ski Swap in Qu’Appelle zone.  Part of Gord’s role includes budget development as well as the implementation of financial and spending controls.  Over its 27-year history, gross sales have increased by over 250%.  

As Division President and Grants Coordinator, Gord has be actively involved with the financial planning, management and oversight in Saskatchewan Division for more than 30 years. 

Beyond the Patrol, Gord is a Professional Engineer with over 32 years of experience in the design and construction industry.  Gord has worked as a consulting engineer, an industrial contractor and has operated his own project management business.


The 2019-2020 operational budget is in the process of being developed and following the consultation process will be shared with the membership at Altitude 2019 in Toronto in June.

If you have any questions, please contact Bruce Robinson, CPA, CMA, President and CEO at bruce.robinson@skipatrol.ca.

Budget Consultation with Zone Representatives

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