February 22, 2019

Dear division presidents and zone presidents,

The Board of Directors wishes to provide advance notice of a forthcoming timetable with respect to the 2018 – 2019 annual meeting of members scheduled for June 8th, 2019 in Toronto, Ontario.

This timetable is expected to be distributed on or about March 5th, 2019 and will announce critical dates and deadlines with respect to the following:

  • Call for proposals (including motions) from the members for presentation at the annual meeting of members
  • Call for candidates for the board of directors
  • Announcement of a nominating committee of the board of directors including terms of reference, members and responsibilities
  • Updates to the proxy procedures for voting for candidates to the board of directors
  • Amendments to the Bylaw of the Canadian Ski Patrol to enable electronic participation in the annual meeting of members including electronic voting for proposals and candidates for the board of directors

In addition, there will be further information in advance of the annual meeting of members on the ‘meet-the-candidates’ session.

Board of Directors Communique

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