In June, 2017, Pierre Leclair was outside a local cafe in Orangeville, Ontario. Seeing a number of patrons quickly leaving the establishment and thinking it unusual, he entered and found a man who had collapsed at the back of the restaurant.

Two patrons were administering CPR and AR, so Pierre identified himself, advised that he knew CPR and offered to assist.

Confirming that the patient was completely unresponsive, Pierre took over CPR. After approximately one minute of compressions, the patient began to regain consciousness. A pulse was detected and the patient was then turned on to his side and monitored. Very quickly the patient’s pulse deteriorated and he went back into cardiac arrest, so CPR was resumed. After a few more minutes, emergency medical services arrived and took over patient care.

Within a week and a half, the patient was back to work part time, and has since made a complete recovery.

It is evident that the actions of Pierre Leclair played a very large part in the lifesaving actions undertaken on that day. The CSP was pleased to present him with a John D. Harper Lifesaving Award at the Altitude 2018 conference in Quebec City.

(l-r) VP Training and Development Linda Andrews, Pierre Leclair , representing the Insurance Brokers Association of Canada (IBAC), Patrice Pouliot (Photo provided by Mark Brown)

Lifesaving Award – Pierre Leclair (Central Zone)

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