November 15, 2018


Dear division presidents and zone presidents,

As you are all aware, the Canadian Ski Patrol is a federally registered charity comprised of interrelationships between multiple corporate, non-profit, and non-corporate structures.  These relationships result in increasingly complex tax issues and charitable requirements at both the federal and provincial level, notwithstanding that the Canadian Ski Patrol (National) is accountable to the federal government for reporting on the Canadian Ski Patrol’s charitable activities.

Charities are facing fundamental changes and funding challenges to deliver services to the public.  As a result, charities are engaging in a wider range of revenue generating activities. The Canadian Ski Patrol is no different and it has come to our recent attention there is a need to assess whether the methods of generating revenue by Canadian Ski Patrol zones and divisions are compliant with the current legal requirements.

We are undertaking a review of our collective revenue generating activities and processes to ensure all levels of the Canadian Ski Patrol are Canada Revenue Agency compliant. Therefore, we request the following:

  1. Copies of memoranda of understanding with ski areas or other organization
  2. Copies of any fee structure agreements with ski areas or other organization
  3. Copies of any contract agreements with ski areas or other organizations
  4. Copies of any sliding scale agreements with ski areas or other organizations
  5. Copies of any documentation relating to fees charged for services
  6. Copies of any documentation relating to fees charged for equipment use

In addition to the above request, please be advised at no time should a member, executive or other person seeking information contact the Canada Revenue Agency on behalf of the Canadian Ski Patrol. Please contact me to discuss financial matters related to your zone so the proper steps can be taken to address your concerns.

The Canada Revenue Agency audits approximately 800 registered charities every year and the Financial Oversight Committee is preemptively tackling issues to minimize risk and to incrementally improve our operations before a donor, the media or the Charities Directorate expresses concern.

Deadline for submission of documentation (electronic or hard copy) is on or before December 15, 2018. Please forward all documentation to Pam FitzGerald (


Respectfully submitted,


Pam FitzGerald, CSP #780

Chair, Financial Oversight Committee

Request for information – risk management

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