November 26, 2018


Hi Everyone,

December is the traditional time of year for holiday celebrations, like Christmas and Chanukah, and for fundraisers. Charities across Canada have prepared December giving campaigns to raise need dollars to support their charitable missions. The Canadian Ski Patrol is no different.

Under the direction of Sam Laprade, CSP has two campaigns rolling out over the next week:

Raising donations is a tough business. The CSP’s donor list has shrunk by 40% over the last four years. We need to encourage new donors to give and to do this, we need to have more people added to our donor list. This is where you can help.

Direct Mail Campaign (DM)

  • 5,876 direct mail appeals will be distributed to donors and members across Canada, excluding Quebec. This year’s DM campaign features Sid Gaudry and his family from Fort Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan has 4 CSP members. Their story is how CSP training was used to save Sid’s life when he had seizure.
  • Our goal is to raise $13,000 CAD during this campaign.
  • DM will be distributed the week of November 26, 2018.

#GivingTuesday – Tuesday, November 27, 2018

  • #GivingTuesday is an on-line donation campaign supported around the world. It is a day dedicated to encouraging millions of Canadians to donate to a cause they care about and support ad follows the popular retail days of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. (
  • #GivingTuesday will be executed over all of the CSP’s social media networks – Twitter, Facebook, Instagram – and focused on Sid Gaudry’s story.

I am encouraging you to promote our campaigns to your friends, family, and fellow CSP members. This can be done in person and through social media, sharing CSP social posts on #GivingTuesday and encouraging people to give to the CSP during this time of year. Every dollar counts and helps support the Canadian Ski Patrol.

Thank you for your support of the Canadian Ski Patrol. You lead an amazing group of people dedicated to keeping Canadian safe on and off the hills.


Yours sincerely,

Bruce Robinson, CPA, CMA

President and CEO


Fundraising campaigns – Direct mail and #GivingTuesday

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