By Linda Andrews, VP Training and Development (


The training and development (T&D) team is looking for a number of active CSP members to assist with the various aspects of the portfolio. T&D is responsible for the development, revision and maintenance of the training materials required for the certification of patrollers both for advanced first aid and on snow. This includes the coordination of the national skills competition.

A new position, director of leadership development, has been created to work with the members and resorts portfolio to encourage leadership skills. These opportunities will be made available both for those in existing roles and patrollers who would like to develop these skills.

More information about these positions can be found in the job descriptions listed below. As with other recent vacancies, references from zone and division presidents will be required. A board interview may be used to select candidates.

Available positions:

  • National first aid competition coordinator
  • On snow coordinator
  • Director of leadership development
  • Director of training
  • Manual coordinator

If any of these positions interest you, please submit your cover letter and resume outlining your CSP and professional experience by November 1 to Linda Andrews at

Multiple positions available in training and development

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