Division events

Division leaders gather in Edmonton May 24 – 26

Leaders and from across the CSP Mountain Division will gather in Edmonton May 24 to 26 for the division’s 2024 spring conference and awards banquet.

Members of the division executive, zone presidents from the division’s 11 zones, division and zone training and education managers and HR representatives, as well as patrol leaders will get together to discuss and analyze the just-completed winter operational season, and plan for programs in the summer and fall, and winter 20024-2025.

Zone presidents, training and education managers, and HR representatives will also have separate break-out sessions to discuss matters related to their specific roles and challenges. The conference will be held at the Sandman Signature Edmonton South Hotel.

A representative from SHRed Concussions will be presenting information about brain injury in sports and the focus of SHRed, which is aimed at developing a greater understanding of concussions and their consequences among high school athletes. More on SHRed can be found here: https://shredconcussions.ca/.

Saturday will be a day of meeting followed by the awards banquet. At the banquet division members who were nominated and accepted for an award will be honoured by their peers. All in all it is a great networking opportunity for patrollers from across the CSP Mountain Division, from Whitehorse, Yukon to Pincher Creek, Alberta and everywhere in between.