New Recruitment Day

Uxbridge Farmer's Market 14 Victoria St.,, Uxbridge, Ontario

We have secured a recruitment booth at the Uxbridge Farmers Market. When:** Sunday, August 11th. Where:** Uxbridge Farmers Market. Our Canadian Ski Patrol Kawartha Zone information tent!! Time:** 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (or any part of that shift) HELP

Zone Executive Meetings

Mt. Zion Community Centre 4230 Salem Road, Pickering, Ontario, Canada

Recruitment Uxbridge

Uxbridge Farmer's Market 14 Victoria St.,, Uxbridge, Ontario

Uxbridge Community Fall Fair Recruitment Days ! The next Recruiting event is scheduled for us to participate in the Uxbridge Community Fall Fair! The dates are September 5th to 8th. Help will be needed and is much appreciated in any