The Canadian Ski Patrol (CSP) is a national, non-profit, charitable organization providing safety and rescue services in ski areas and at non-skiing events across Canada.



  • Number about 4000 members coast to coast.
  • Are mostly Alpine skiers, boarders and Nordic skiers with increasing non-skiing members.
  • Range from 18 to 70 plus years old.
  • Are men and women, students and professionals, from all walks of life.
  • Give their time to help those in need during the winter at ski areas across Canada.
  • Provide volunteer advanced first-aid services at many non-skiing events throughout the year.
  • Work with many other fund-raising organizations to provide advanced first-aid services for their events.
  • Work closely with all season resorts in providing year-round services like mountain bike patrols.



An advanced first aid and rescue course like no other, including:

  • Patient transport from difficult terrain – like ski areas.
  • Chair Lift evacuation procedures.
  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), Basic Rescuer Level C.
  • Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (AED) training.
  • Oxygen therapy techniques.
  • In mountainous regions, where avalanches can occur, we teach avalanche specific search and rescue techniques in conjunction with the CAA (Canadian Avalanche Association).
  • Our courses are provided by CSP certified instructor/trainers and are ski area specific.
  • CSP has over seventy years’ experience in the prevention of injuries and the application of advanced first aid in cases of injury or sudden illness.



  • Deals from the ski areas where we patrol, e.g. complimentary lift ticket when on patrol
  • Exchange programs between local, provincial, national and international organizations
  • Discounts on ski equipment and supplies
  • Belonging to an organization where you can have lots of fun, make lifelong friendships and feel great about helping someone in need
  • Deals from the ski areas where we patrol, e.g. complimentary lift ticket when on patrol